Kerry Stackpole is the CEO & Executive Director of the Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI). Kerry Stackpole is a strategic risk-taker, innovator, and CEO based in greater Washington, D.C. A nationally certified association executive (CAE) and a Fellow (FASAE) of the American Society of Association Executives, he has served as CEO for trade associations representing manufacturing, technology, and SME enterprises.
He is a member of the American Society of Association Executives and was recently named vice chair of the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Advisory Committee for Forest Products and Building Materials.
Safe, responsible plumbing – always – is the vision of Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), the voluntary, not-for-profit association of plumbing product manufacturers. Producing 90% of the United States’ plumbing products and representing more than 150 brands, PMI’s members are industry leaders in manufacturing safe, reliable and innovative water-efficient plumbing technologies, including toilets, urinals, faucets and showerheads.
PMI established this website for two reasons: to provide valuable resources and insights to its members and to advocate for plumbing products and technologies meeting high safety and performance standards. This website also presents important information about critical industry issues and initiatives for members, allies, policymakers, regulators, journalists and the public.