CRAIG MILROY: Co-Director Stanford Product Realization Lab (SPRL)

Craig Milroy is the Co-Director of the Stanford Product Realization Lab (SPRL).  Craig Milroy, Co-Director of the Product Realization Lab, is also a Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Teaching Labs in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford.

Milroy teaches ME 128-318, Computer-aided Product Creation and Realization, and co-teaches ME263 The Chair. He has advised thousands of students during more than 30 years in the Product Realization Lab. Milroy has strong interest in the medical device industry and is the founder of Treus Medical, Stemcor, Neoguide Systems, and Zopus Design Consultancy. He holds 16 U.S. and international patents.

Product Realization Lab Director Craig Milroy is a master of integrating theory with practice, and has spent his career making useful, durable, and even transformative products. Milroy teaches core courses in the design/engineering curriculum, and mentors students from a wide array of academic disciplines.

The Stanford Product Realization Lab is a multi-site teaching facility where Stanford students discover the power to create the future. Established as the Student Shops when the university opened its doors, the PRL has been at the heart of Stanford’s pragmatic, results-driven curriculum for more than 125 years. Each year, under the mentorship of PRL faculty and course assistants, more than 1000 Stanford undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students make things of lasting value–innovative medical, food production, transportation, communications, and consumer products–that transform lives at home and abroad.