Jeff Church is the Executive Director of the Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association (PVMA). The Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association (PVMA) is the national organization representing manufacturers of pressure vessels made in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 and Division 2, and suppliers of materials and services to the pressure vessel fabricating industry.
PVMA member companies produce the major share of ASME-Code, Section VIII pressure vessels manufactured in the United States. In 2007 PVMA manufacturing members produced and shipped over 1.75 million ASME Code Pressure Vessels.
PVMA was formed in 1975 as the voice of the industry in matters pertaining to regulations, standards and codes to which the industry is subject. In its short history, PVMA has established a proven record for communicating fabricator needs and viewpoints – based on industry consensus – to code-writing and enforcement agencies, including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and appropriate state agencies.
PVMA gives members the opportunity to exchange information on technical and manufacturing issues, and discuss the impact of regulations and standards on their operations. PVMA positions are communicated to code-writing and standards-making agencies giving even the smallest manufacturer a voice in development of regulations and their application. Members participate in a wide-range of PVMA programs that benefit their companies and the pressure vessel industry including association meetings, statistical programs, technical research and liaison/monitoring of various entities which impact on the industry.