Buckley Brinkman is the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity. Buckley Brinkman is executive director and CEO of the Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity and writes about the manufacturing sector in Greater Madison and throughout Wisconsin.
He has a breadth of experience in helping companies drive growth, world-class competitiveness, and performance excellence, and has led efforts to save dozens of operations in the U.S. by finding new ways for them to compete. A Wisconsin native, Brinkman holds a business degree from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.
The Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing and Productivity (WCMP) engages with partnerships and initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels. We continually provide the best available support and resources to help manufacturers reach their goals.
Collaborating with the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC) and the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership (WMEP), the WCMP helps small and medium-sized manufacturers across the state grow and thrive in an increasingly challenging business environment.