Randy Davenport is the President of the Aluminum Association of Florida (AAF). He is also the President of Davenport Hartshorn Custom Contracting who help homeowners and home builders by providing several different services.
The Aluminum Association of Florida is the professional trade association for aluminum contractors, aluminum fabricators and aluminum related businesses. The Association was organized by a few aluminum contractors in 1974 out of necessity due to a lack of aluminum building codes or guidelines for building department inspectors to properly evaluate aluminum construction projects.
The AAF as we know it today was started in Pinellas County. The Association was formed out of necessity after the St. Petersburg and Pinellas County Building Departments decided to stop issuing building permits. That action stopped the industry cold.
Ten men representing their respective companies met in May 1974 and decided to contribute $50 each towards hiring Edward O’Dell to do the necessary aluminum engineering. After it was complete and the men were back in business, they decided to form the AAF with Gerald Rehm as their first President.
Almost 40 years after the humble beginnings of the Aluminum Association of Florida, technical information supporting the patio contracting business remains the mainstay of participation in the AAF. Over the years, since 1974, from this small beginning the AAF grew and developed into the industry’s single most influential body. Technical data and construction specifications remain the most compelling issue driving the organization.