David Go is the President of the Electrostatics Society of America (ESA). David was a Viola D. Hank Professor and Department Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (concurrent).
Professor David B. Go was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana until he graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2001). Upon graduation, Prof. Go joined General Electric Aviation (formerly G. E. Aircraft Engines) where he was a design engineer in the Edison Engineering Development Program (EEDP) — a rotations-based leadership development program.
The ESA aims to advance communication between professionals involved in the field of electrostatics. The annual conference of the ESA includes technical presentations on all aspects of electrostatics, and the proceedings from the conference are published. The bimonthly ESA newsletter highlights news and upcoming events relevant to the electrostatics community. ESA awards are given to leaders in the electrostatics field. The ESA is also involved in outreach programs to communicate the field of electrostatics to the public.
The ESA is a nonprofit professional society devoted to the advancement and improved understanding of electrostatics. The ESA was founded in 1970, when 30 scientists working in the field of electrostatic phenomena were invited by A. D. Moore, Vincent Schaefer and Bernard Vonnegut to an informal conference to discuss their interests. The conference was a great success, and the participants decided to continue this meeting on an annual basis. The Electrostatics Society of America was proposed and formally came into existence on August 17, 1970.