Doug Kurkul is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Foundry Society (AFS). Doug Kurkul has enjoyed a 30-plus year career in business advocacy, association management, economic development, and organizational growth. He has served as CEO of several organizations, bringing teams together to deliver positive results and impressive turnarounds.
Since 2016, Doug has served as CEO of AFS, an advocacy and technical organization serving the $44 billion metalcasting industry. AFS members produce highly engineered castings integral to 90% of durable goods in a cross-section of industries. America’s 1,740 foundries directly employ 165,000 with a $110.5 billion induced economic impact.
Doug has also been a CEO at organizations based in Dallas, Reno, and Round Rock, was a VP at the National Association of Manufacturers, edited Leadership for Manufacturers magazine, served on the Commerce Department’s District Export Council, served on the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada, and edited the award-winning book “Manufacturing in America: A Legacy of Excellence.”
AFS traces its roots to 1896, when 220 charter members of the American Foundrymen’s Association met in Philadelphia. In the years that followed, the organization pursued key priorities including advancing the science of metallurgy used in castings, and improving safety and health conditions in the industry. In 1948, the organization’s name was changed, with “Association” becoming “Society.”