Charity Quick is the President of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Founded in 1968, BMES is the world’s leading professional society devoted to using innovative biomedical and bioengineering technology to advance human health and well-being.
The professional home for biomedical engineers where we help you navigate your career path and strive to make the work of biomedical engineering, and those in allied fields, more visible.
The Biomedical Engineering Society promotes a collaborative and inclusive community to advance human health through education, discovery, and translation.
In response to the emerging need to provide a society offering equal status to representatives of both biomedical and engineering interests, the Biomedical Engineering Society was incorporated in Illinois on February 1, 1968. BMES published its “Historical Perspective” in 2004, celebrating its 35-year history and growth.
The Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit professional association, which was established to serve as the lead society and professional home for biomedical engineering and bioengineering students, academics, and professionals. The mission of the Society is to promote and enhance biomedical engineering knowledge worldwide and its utilization for human health and well-being.