Amanda Masters is the President of the Web Sling & Tie Down Association (WSTDA). The WSTDA is a technical association dedicated to the development and promotion of voluntary recommended standards and associated reference materials.
The role of the President is to have general supervision over the association, it’s Board of Directors and general affairs. With the assistance of the Board of Directors, the President executes contracts and other documents, as well as fulfills the necessary functions to further the interest of the association.
I am excited for the challenge, and in the term that I am serving, I hope to focus on increasing participation at meetings by ensuring the association provides the best value to its members.
The WSTDA’s core mission is the development and promotion of voluntary Recommended Standard Specifications covering the most common synthetic web lifting and tie down products. The current Standards cover construction, selection, use and maintenance of Synthetic Webbing, Thread, Web Slings, Round Slings, Tie Downs and Chain Binders.
The WSTDA has been a trusted resource since formation as the Web Sling Association in 1973 and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice as a Standards Writing Organization.
If you manufacture or distribute synthetic web products to hoist, lower, carry or restrain cargo, membership in the Web Sling & Tie Down Association is vital to your business.